REVIEWS for CALLED HOME - Two Hearts Answer definitely the type of story that can keep you up at night because you just need to know what happens next. It's not a sweltering romance, but trust me David and Emma do have a pretty heated relationship (sometimes they argue...and sometimes they make-out, pretty heavily I might add :P), but their relationship was founded on more than mere attraction, which I loved. They genuinely wanted to know more about each other. Emma even reads one of David's books, and David is constantly trying to get Emma to open up. Their relationship was so real, even if they did get involved in some super crazy situations and it's always refreshing to see relationships like that in books. 
Ambur - Burning.x.Impossibly.x.Bright  Click to read full review


...‘Called Home’ is a lovely little cozy mystery and an impressive debut novel. The mystery aspect a twisted fare, and the romance is sweetly romantic. This is definitely a novel for lovers of the good old cozy!

Danielle - Alpha Reader  Click to read full review


...a good plot and a mystery you think you have all figured out but in the end is a twist I did not see coming. I loved the sweet romance that developed between Emma and David. I have to say the many kissing scenes were excellent and satisfying.

Tifferz - Tifferz Book Review  Click to read full review


...the relationship that comes: intense, a whirlwind, and at times volatile. The kissing scenes are pretty intense, but kissing is as far as Gloria takes us. This is a clean read that I would recommend to anyone who likes a good romance with a bit of a thriller and mystery element.

Lisa - Bookworm Lisa  Click to read full review